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[10-22 13:19:12]   来源:http://www.170xuexi.com  高二英语   阅读:9556

概要: the theater, I prefer staying at home. 我喜欢看电影,但至于看戏,我宁可呆在家里。I want your advice as to what I ought to do with Mr.Ernest.关于怎样和俄尼斯特先生打交道,我需要你的高见。“take + 名词”短语① take action (on) 采取行动② take steps / measures 采取措施③ take notes 纪录④ take a chance 碰碰运气⑤ take breath 歇一歇,喘口气⑥ take risks 冒风险⑦ take advantage (of) 利用;引诱⑧ take aim (at) 瞄准⑨ take charge (of) 负责(处理某事,照顾某人),接管⑩ take effect 生效,起作用[例句] Let's see how they will take action next. 我们要观察他们下一步要采取什么行动。The police had to take firm action to deal with the ri&mda



  ① as with sb / sth / doing 如同……一样

  ② as for 至于;就……而言

  ③ as to 关于

  ④ as far as 就……而论;据……

  ⑤ as good as 几乎已经,实际已经

  ⑥ as follows 如下

  ⑦ as a whole 总的来说

  ⑧ as a rule 一般说来,通常

  ⑨ as a / the result of 由于

  ⑩ as usual 像往常一样

  [例句] As with swimming, riding a bicycle does good to our health. 像游泳一样,骑自行车对我们的健康有好处。

  I enjoy going to the movies.But as for the theater, I prefer staying at home. 我喜欢看电影,但至于看戏,我宁可呆在家里。

  I want your advice as to what I ought to do with Mr.Ernest.关于怎样和俄尼斯特先生打交道,我需要你的高见。

  “take + 名词”短语

  ① take action (on) 采取行动

  ② take steps / measures 采取措施

  ③ take notes 纪录

  ④ take a chance 碰碰运气

  ⑤ take breath 歇一歇,喘口气

  ⑥ take risks 冒风险

  ⑦ take advantage (of) 利用;引诱

  ⑧ take aim (at) 瞄准

  ⑨ take charge (of) 负责(处理某事,照顾某人),接管

  ⑩ take effect 生效,起作用

  [例句] Let's see how they will take action next. 我们要观察他们下一步要采取什么行动。

  The police had to take firm action to deal with the ri—ots. 警方只得采取坚决行动来处理骚乱。

  The government has taken measures to preserve order.政府已采取措施维持秩序。

  Half-way up the mountain we stopped to take breath.我们爬到半山腰后停下来歇口气。

  They took a risk in driving on, in spite of the storm. 尽管有暴风雨,他们还是冒险驾车赶路。

  He's using his charm to try to take advantage of her. 他正利用他的魅力试图引诱她。

  Take careful aim at the target before firing. 开火前要对目标仔细瞄准。

  The new law takes effect from tomorrow. 新法律从明天起生效。


  ①wipe out擦洗……的内部;去除,消灭

  ②start out启程(一start off);着手进行(+t0 do sth)

  ③hold out伸出;提供;坚持

  ④stand out显眼;突出

  ⑤pick out选出;分辨出

  ⑥leave out省略;遗漏

  ⑦work out算出

  ⑧die out灭绝;消失

  [例句]We always wipe the bottles out before returning them to the milkman. 我们总是把瓶子内部擦干净后再送还给送奶工人。

  They wiped him out to keep him from appearing as a witness. 为了阻止他出面作证,他们除掉了他。

  It's a long trip; we'll have to start out early and start back for home in the afternoon. 这是一段长旅程,我们必须很早动身,下午再起程回家。

  Our food supplies won't hold out long. 我们的食品存量持不了多久。

  The road sign is easy to read I the words stand outwell. 路标很容易认,上面的字非常突出。

  Tom pm’ked out his cousins from the crowd. 汤姆从人群中认出了他的堂兄弟。

  How can you leave out such important information? 你怎能漏掉这么重要的信息?

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